It also works for me at 42 years old. The love of beauty that makes it easy to fall into the trap…
The latest ingredient that is not enough is●●●●!? All women can be saved by a certain sweet made in Japan!

  • 3056
  • 18
  • 2021-12-23
  • 2022-05-14

I am a 42-year-old office worker this year, working as a project manager for an app development company. The IT industry is always full of young people. I’m working hard and think I’m still young.
These days, it’s hard to sleep due to the heavy workload, stress, and hormonal
imbalance…I’m also concerned about my gray hair, and the volume loss of my hair…but more than that…
my rough skin, pores, blemishes, spots, and wrinkles are increasing and not going away at all!!!

I hate to admit it, but I feel like my skin is getting “old”.

However, I’m doing the best skincare routine and also taking collagen, which is supposed to be good for beautiful skin, so I’m sure I’ll be fine! I’m sure I’ll recover once my work settles down! So, I overlooked this problem.

Then, there was an incident!!
I was told by my boss that there was a bid from a large company that “would almost certainly be our responsibility”, so I was fully prepared as always…

Too concerned about my reflection in a windowpane and I failed my presentation.
Maybe it was because I had been working all night, but
my face looked terrible!!that day!!

My boss expressed his “disappointment” in me, while my subordinates whispered and scoffed, “Is Jennie like this?” “Isn’t it a little hard at her age?”

The bid that “would almost certainly be our responsibility” was messed up

I was very depressed for a while because of this shock, but I can’t be defeated by such a thing!!

I have tried many things that are good for an aging face,
including beauty treatments, famous luxury cosmetics, acupuncture, massage, and Chinese medicine.
Although it improved for a while, the effects didn’t last long…

That’s how I am getting old!?
Is it time to go to plastic surgery!!??
I could not help getting worry

During this period of depression, I had a chance to talk to a friend who works in the cosmetic dermatology department about this matter.
“Your skin is super dry! If you’re only taking collagen, this isn’t doing any good and you need to stop taking it now!!”

“What!!?? Is collagen something that doesn’t work?”

“Oh god! Are you still believing that just taking collagen can solve your skin problems now…Have you been living on the knowledge of 10 years ago?”

“But I really take good care of my skin!!”

“And you haven't changed that habit since you were in your 30s, have you?
But as you get older, you must take care of your skin from the inside out too!”

Getting older… I was stung by these words and instantly woke up. I really didn’t change my skincare products when I was in my 30s. At that time, I thought that just drinking collagen would be enough to take care of my skin. I strongly felt that now, at my age, I must start using something new!!

“But what should I do?”

“You should take ceramide now!!”


My friend said that ceramides are in the skin and act as “the barrier of skin”.
People with high levels of ceramides have healthy,
beautiful, and hydrated skin.

In addition, ceramide deficiency can lead to dry and sensitive skin, and it has a serious impact on the skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis…
I can't believe I don't know anything about such an important ingredient!!

“The reason my skin has stayed so healthy at this age is actually beneficial to ceramides. Because no matter how much UV rays or external irritation
I am exposed to, the skin with high ceramide levels immediately allows itself to heal!
Therefore, even people with sensitive skin can have stronger skin with ceramides.”

And indeed, when I look at my friend’s skin, it’s amazingly smooth and glowing without any blemishes or pores… It’s hard to believe that this friend and I are the same age. I instantly realized how amazing the ingredient ceramide is! My skin needs it too!!

However, ceramide is quickly lost through daily washing of the face, etc., and
is reduced to about half the amount in one’s 40s compared to 20s.

“So,we need a good supply of ceramides after the age of 20, but most people don’t.In the case of taking it from food, “25 cups of rice” is a standard daily intake.

“That is absolutely impossible!? What should I do ><

If you want to take ceramides easily and safely, I really recommend supplements!! By the way, I’m taking this one now”

“It looks so cute and delicious!

“That’s true! This -URUHIMEMOMOKO- is being widely talked about as ‘a supplement that tastes too good to take’. It is a peach-flavored powder supplement that can be taken directly. Here you are, just take a taste.” 


If I choke, I will feel embarrassed... But I was so surprised when it melted in my mouth and was easy to swallow! And the thing that amazed me the most was...

“Yummy!! Tastes like peach-flavored sweets!!”

“Isn’t it!? It tastes so great and is easier to keep taking it. Since the ingredients and manufacturing are in Japan, we can take it with no worries. I recommend this one the best among ceramide supplements.”

I bought it right away!!
Since then, I didn’t change my skincare routine but started taking 2 packs of URUHIME MOMOKO per day. Tasty is also a reason, right? (lol)

I can really feel my skin is getting better and better. After washing my face, the facial pressure, the penetration of toner, and my pores… I no longer feel my skin is rough.

At first, I was wondering how it could be possible.But I didn’t change my skincare or lifestyle, and it was only because of URUHIME MOMOKO…? I try to believe it is so.

Then, after about one week…

Such differences...!!
I doubt the effects, so I took pictures. But I didn’t realize it would show such differences in just one week... I was so surprised!! In addition to these

  • dry face, hands, and heels no longer bother me
  • no more wrinkles around the eyes and mouth
  • skin texture was improved and luster was back
  • lighter skin (goodbye dull skin)
  • spots faded

I can feel the changes in my skin!
This is easy to drink and almost no time-consuming skincare! Plus, yummy!! URUHIME MOMOKO is a great way for busy people to replenish their ceramide supply!!

What a surprise! So much improvement in just over 1 month! Fantastic!

As my skin has become more moisturized,
I spend less time on my skincare, so I have more sleep time and when I look at my face in the mirror, I am much less stressed!! And I don’t even need foundation anymore, so getting ready in the morning has become much easier! My skin without foundation is getting rid of stress.
It is really a pretty good thing!!

Just by having beautiful skin, I was surprised to find myself be able to concentrate on my work with more energy.

My boss said, “I was worried that you looked tired lately, but I’m relieved to see that you look better these days! Looking forward to working with you again.” and new projects followed, while my subordinate said, “if there is anything I can do to help you, please let us know!” It makes a positive team atmosphere in the workplace!
Work is busy as always, but this time I will keep going!

If you run into similar troubles as I did before,
“My skin has been bad lately......but I have no idea what to do ......” then I seriously recommend URUHIME MOMOKO!
For people who have not taken ceramide yet, I think that would be more effective for them

How to buy URUHIME MOMOKO, please check the manufacturer’s

I never thought that such a simple treatment could make my skin beautiful!
Hope you all get beautiful skin too. Please make sure to buy Ceramide and take it!

  • It seems to improve my dry skin a lot!!
    Has anyone taken it? How is it??

    Y.A.777 2020-09-30 22:31

  • I know it depends on the individual, but my friend and I (both 40s) are very interested in it♥ I had dry skin and severe wrinkles before, but now they have disappeared.

    1998_Jhean 2020-10-1 11:06

  • I was skeptical at first when I started taking them (like vitamins), but I was amazed at the effects I felt!
    After about a week, my dry skin immediately started to improve, and the texture of my skin got better. I hope Y.A777 also can feel the effects of it too!

    xx_Lam_xx 2020-10-14 22:31

  • If you want to try it, now is a perfect time. Though there is a discount now, maybe it will end sometime.
    My pores have disappeared for the first time in almost 20 years(tears)—since I was a kid!

    pe-w-5 2020-10-14 01:43

  • Where should I buy to get the best price?
    Official site?

    SAW4T 2020-10-11 23:09

  • This is the official site!! → Here! 2020-10-13 19:44

  • I am one of those people who get beautiful skin with MOMOKO!
    My face was covered with spots and wrinkles, but it has recovered so far. ♥ My daughter, a college student I hadn't met in a while, was so surprised that asked me if I had a skin transplant.

    1960_sunny 2020-09-30 23:09

  • It has been widely talked about on INSTAGRAM so I bought it!
    It smells great and is good for my skin, properly! I sometimes take makeup to bed with me because skincare is such a hassle, but I'm amazed that there's no damage the next day! I've never experienced this before, so it's going to be thanks to URUHIME MOMOKO

    maiumin 2020-10-05 11:39

  • My husband had very dry skin and was always scratching his calves and back to the point of bleeding, but this has not happened since he started taking URUHIME MOMOKO and his skin has improved.His face looks so young at his age that I can’t stop laughing.

    smile_1988 2020-10-09 20:18

  • One of my favorite Instagram users introduced it, so I bought it!! Like this blogger, I was anxious because I felt relieved that I was only taking collagen and my skin was only getting older and older. That's when I saw a post on a beauty Instagram and bought one box to try. That's how I met URUHIME MOMOKO.

    neminemu 2020-010-13 20:18